Good point, assuming that what Mark says is true, that he was fired, this is all bad.

I recognize your need to ban people and if it helps improve the signal to noise ratio on this list, I'm all for it. I also recognize that we are all responsible for what we say here. Both the first time around through email and the second time around in the archives.

But in this instance, Mark doesn't have only himself to blame. Someone sent his comments to his workplace and resulted in him being fired. I've worked will some major jerks over the years who wrote great code, slung great servers, etc etc. Just because someone's has unpopular views or is terribly annoying or extremely frustrating or whatever does not justify maliciously alerting their employers.

This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All you need to do is to create a filter and individuals can ban anyone they want. The email to MD dept of elections is spiteful and childish and way more damaging to the struts community than any bigoted and/or stupid posts.


From: Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
CC: Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: banned
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 20:24:14 -0700

On 7/6/05, Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, this is shockingly lame. Like amazingly lame. To mess with someone's
> livlihood because you think they are an jerk is inexcusable.

Keep in mind that, if Mark indeed did get fired (he has *no*
credibility with me, so I don't believe anything he says without
corroboration) then he has only himself, and his own behavior, to
blame.  Acting the way he does, on a public mailing list (which is
certainly accessible to his boss whether or not someone points him at
it) is incredibly stupid, and doing so from his employer's email
system is way beyond stupid -- and it was only a matter of time before
he got called on it.

I didn't forward the email trail, but I can absolutely understand
Niall's frustration with the behavior of an idiot.  I'll take Niall
with one "fit of frustration" lapse *any* day over several of the
people that think the Struts user mailing list is their private
playground to have a "I can be more outrageous and infantile than you
can" pissing contest.

The next time around, I'm going to be inclined to ban people soon
after a spate of continuous crap like this (assuming requests to
change behavior don't work).  It's a losing battle against a
determined jerk (because its easy to just get a new address) -- but
(since Mark got it wrong yet again) -- I didn't ban him, but I would
not complain if one of the other mailing list moderators had (they
didn't ban his gmail address, or you wouldn't have been able to see
his latest comment).  Actually, as I told him, it would suit me just
fine if he simply went away.

I know there are a few people here who find Mark to be funny (I'm
*not* a part of that group).  That's fine ... it's a free world ...
but please go find him funny somewhere else.  There are ***lots*** of
people who find him annoying and disruptive instead of helpful -- and,
to the extent that this behavior encourages others to leave the list,
it harms the Struts community as a whole.

Craig McClanahan

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