On 7/13/05, Yaroslav Novytskyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Craig McClanahan wrote:
> >>
> >>>I think of the state information represented by an ActionForm (in
> >>>Struts 1.x) or potentially as properties of an "action" class (per the
> >>>current discussion) to be part of the *view* tier.  Further, I see the
> >>>role of the execute method on an action as being an Adapter Pattern
> >>>link between the web tier (HTTP-centric) and the model tier
> >>>(HTTP-agnostic).  Therefore, I don't feel any pain at the idea of
> >>>combining the two together.
> >>
> >>It sounds like what your saying is that there really is no need for a
> >>control layer, we're coming down to view-adapter-model now.  Am I
> >>understanding that correctly?
> >>
> >
> >
> > Not completely, but amost.
> >
> > There are reasons to have an "application scoped" front controller.
> > There are reasons to have a "view-scoped" front controller.  There is
> > *no* reason I am aware of that requires these controllers to be the
> > same :-).
> (The question is below but here I only wonder: what is a "view-scoped"
> front controller? :) what are the differences between a "view-scoped"
> and an "application-scoped" (a "normal" one as I can guess) front
> controller?)

In design pattern terms, it's actually the View Helper pattern more
than it really is a view scoped front controller.  But the key
differences are:

- Typically an application-level singleton
- Processes every request
- Enforces global architectural issues (has the user logged in?
  perform validations before application actions.  ...)
- Manages navigation between views

- Typically one instance per view
- Processes only requests for that view
- Assists the view in performing its rendering (go execute
  the JDBC select or Hibernate query needed for rendering
  a table, and clean up afterwards).
- Does not manage navigation, but provides logical
  outcomes that influence the navigation performed
  by the front controller

> > In Shale, the application-scoped functions are performed by a Commons
> > Chain pipeline that is configured and processed by Shale's filter.
> > This is the right place to put things like "if the user isn't logged
> > on, redirect to the login page" and "log every request" type
> > functions.  But it is not the right place for "execute this expensive
> > SQL query, but *only* if I am the view that needs it.".
> >
> > In Struts 1.x, you get around the latter case, typically, by having a
> > setup action before the view, and a process action after the view.
> > Shale simply combines those two bits of code into a single class (and,
> > along the way, combining the form bean too), resulting in a little
> > less code, but a lot fewer classes.
> In Struts 1.x I do use setupAction->jsp->processAction technique and was
> thinking all the time how can I put together the setupAction and
> processAction into one class. The best way I could think of was to make
> a "downgraded" DispatchAction, that dispatches based on mapping's
> parameter (in the latest version of Struts just the same thing appeared
> named MappingDispatchAction) and to put both setup and precess
> actions-methods into one class.
> (p.s. this technique made it also possible to automate token-based
> protection - every prepare calls saveToken and before every process
> token is checked)
> So please tell, in what way does Shale do this?

Shale provides four application level events in your backing bean
(optionally -- you don't *have* to leverage this, but you'll get the
service if you implement the ViewController interface):

* init() -- The view you are associated with is going to be involved
  in the current request (either you are about to process a postback
  or about to process a render), so gather any resources you need
  to get ready for either.

* preprocess() -- Your view is about to process a form submit,
  so get set up.  For example, you might need to go lock a database
  row, or acquire references to some business logic options.

* prerender() -- Your view is about to be rendered, so go collect the
  data that will be needed (this is used for the sort of stuff a setup
  action typically does in a struts app).

* destroy() -- The framework guarantees to call this *after* rendering
  so you can clean up any allocated resources.  For example, you
  might have executed a JDBC query in prerender() to provide the data
  for a table; here is where you would close it and release the
  database resources.  (This is something Struts doesn't support
  directly; you have to mess around with a filter or something like that).

> Should I pay more attention to shale? Is it ready to try it out on some
> small test projects?

I would definitely suggest paying attention :-).  If you're
investigating the JSF route, JSF+Shale is a good combination.

> Yaroslav Novytskyy


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