I have an application that I get sporadic struts errors when I submit
the jsp page forms. The application is using struts tiles and also a
couple jsp includes, and some of the pages have two different forms
(each with different form beans) on one page. 

The intermittent error says no property propertyName found under bean

The submits work on the pages most of the time, and only sporadically
gives this error. The field name that it lists changes, and also it's
not always the same page. 

The getter and setter methods are in the form bean and spelled
correctly. Struts action forms, struts-config, etc.. has been generated
by AndroMDA/Bp4mStruts cartridge, but looks fine to me. 

Any ideas? 

Here is some code from one of the JSPS: 

Included jsp reads:

  <html:form action="/myActionPath/Action" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="">
                        <td class="label">Originator:</td>
                        <td class="field">
<html:select name="form" onchange="document.myFormName.submit();"
property="operation" onmouseover="hints.show('myhint')"
onmouseout="hints.hide()" styleId="filterOperationsOperation">
        <html:optionsCollection name="form"
property="operationBackingList"                 label="label"

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