Have you had the chance to look at jetspeed for authentication/authorisation enforcement and logging?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] What technology do you use for authentication and authorization?

Hi Craig,

I am currently using container-managed security in all my day work. We have built a fairly robust framework to sit on top of it to fill in some of the gaps (things like enforcing password restrictions, some extensions to group support, etc).

If there was one change I'd personally like to see made it would be a change to the fundamental nature of how it works. Nothing major :)

I spend a fair amount of time explaining to people how constraints work (which of course presupposes that *I* understand it!)... it seems odd to most people I talk to that you are laying down restrictions on things, and anything not restricted is allowed. I remember reading one description a while back that made this clear to me: "Servers are there to serve, and that's what they do by default". While that explanation worked for me, I've found that it doesn't for everyone.

What I would ideally like is the ability to set some switch that says "ok, now NOTHING is allowed EXCEPT for what I define". Of course the default would still be what it is now, so nothing would be broken. I suppose there might be some new elements instead of <security-constraint>, maybe <security-allowance>, so if your in constraint mode you use constraints, if in allow mode you use allowances.

However the config is done though, the point is allowing me to define what is allowed while anything else isn't, the opposite of what it is now.


Craig McClanahan wrote:
(It's still Friday here on the Pacific Coast, so I'll sneak in a late question)

One of my colleagues at Sun, Greg Murray, is spec lead for the next
rev of the Servlet API.  He has recently written a blog asking for
input on what you'd like to see in the next version:


My particular question (well, questions :-) for the Struts community:

* What technology do you currently use for authentication and authorization
  in your web applications?

* If you use the container managed security faciities of your container,
does it completely meet your needs? If not, what else would you like to see?

* If you don't use container managed security (i.e. the facilities
defined in the
servlet and J2EE, err, Java EE specifications), what capabilities would you need to have available before you'd consider using the container facilities?

For maximum positive benefit to the world, please cc your responses
both here and reply to Greg's blog (at the URL listed above).  Of
course, you're welcome to comment (on the blog) about any other
features you'd like to see the Servlet spec standardize, but tonight
I'm particularly interested in this particular aspect.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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