I have to agree with Rick. I have said this before, and will again -
Hibernate is fine if all you want is "persistence".

Hibernate is a major PITA if you need to share the database with other
applications, or if you have to work with a LARGE database, or if you
have to work with a legacy database design.

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, and threw the darn thing away. ;-)

I am not saying Hibernate sucks, I am saying that it works fine in
*some* cases, but not *all* cases. The same can be said of any
technology - why use a database if something like prevayler will do
the trick, or a properties file.

There are no Silver Bullet technologies.


On 7/21/05, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lindholm, Greg wrote the following on 7/21/2005 1:01 PM:
> > If your building anything bigger then a toy project then forget POJO
> > DAOs. You'll spend all your time writing grunt-work plumbing and error
> > handling and maintenance is a nightmare.
> >
> > I give a big thumbs-up to Hibernate!
> I'd argue just the opposite.
> If you can design your data model from scratch on a brand new project
> than yea maybe Hibernate will fit the bill, otherwise iBATIS will save
> you much more time and will provide a lot less headaches. How many
> developers have the privilege of not working with legacy databases?
> The fact that you state:
> "You'll spend all your time writing grunt-work plumbing and error
> handling and maintenance is a nightmare."
> only shows you haven't even tried iBATIS since, for if you had, you
> wouldn't be making such erroneous statements.
> --
> Rick
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