Hi Frank,

Doesn't the sessionCount get decremented regardless of whether the session is being destroyed as the result of a regular logoff or timeout as well as if it was a rejected logon (i.e., max sessions already in use)? I dealt with this problem in the code I'm adding to Java Web Parts tomorrow, but maybe you found a better way than I did :)

Yes, the sessionCount is decremented everytime a session is destroyed regardless of regular logoff, 'forced' logoff (max sessions in use) :-)) or timeout.
But that's what I wanted. Do you see a problem with it?
sessionCount is the number of existing sessions, so I decrement the sessionCount everytime a session is destroyed(no matter why it was destroyed).

Also, I was a bit surprised to learn that filters fire BEFORE listeners... it seemed more logical the other way around, but it's not reality. Any problem with what you've done with that in mind?

A SessionContextListener's sessionCreated method will execute when a new HttpSession is created.
HttpSessions are created by some servlet or jsp code.
So if you use a Filter that catches any request, the Filter will fire before any code that could create a session has a chance to execute.

If the request is not for the 'special' appInUse.jsp or logout.jsp(by the way I think that it's ok if we only treat appInUse.jsp specially, logout.jsp can be treated like all other resources) then I always get a session in the usual way:

HttpSession session = request.getSession();

As you know this will create a session if one doesn't exist or it will get an existing session. Because this is a Filter that catches everything, all the sessions will be created at this point.

This is also the point where the sessionCreated will be executed if the session.isNew(). In the sessionCreated a session is always created, but if maxSessions was exceeded then we
flag the session.

Back to the filter code, if the session is flagged then we invalidate it and we redirect.

It is always benefic to try to write down in words what your code does.
I think I found a a little problem in my solution :-) :

and there is one active session (User A)

User B tries to connect, filter fires, flagged session is created sessionCount is 2 now.
We are back in the filter before session.invalidate().

In another thread User A's session is destroyed and the sessionDestroyed() is executed which decremenets sessionCount. sessionCount = 1

User C comes in, in another thread the filter fires for his request, but he will get a flagged session too, 'cause sessionCount is still 1.

However this is a minor issue and it probably can be easily changed by not incrementing/decrementing sessionCount in sessionCreated()/sessionDestroyed()
if the session is flagged.
This is what you suggested in the first place? :-)


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