On Fri, July 29, 2005 12:34 am, Tamas Szabo said:
> Did you made the modification I suggested?
> I mean not continuing the chain if a sessionCount = MAX_SESSIONS.
> Or you didn't find that a good idea?

I haven't yet, although I agree with you that it is a good idea... the
thing I'm stuggling with is that in order for the listener to fire before
the filter (or, technically, before the code in the filter that actually
deals with this), you have to continue the chain, then come back to the

The odd thing is, it works perfectly well on a page that doesn't make any
other requests, i.e., no images or anything, so I highly suggest there is
some flaw that only comes up when multiple requests come in from what in
theory should be the same session.  I have to do some research.

How I did it just might be fundamentally flawed... in trying to make it as
flexible as possible, as something in JWP is meant to be, I might have
really screwed the pooch :)

> I don't think that you will find something like that.
> I think that there is no way to do that.

Seems odd, but it definitely looks like your right from what I have been
able to research.  Oh well, should be an easy enough filter to write.

> Sorry, but there is a home page of the project?
> I haven't seen the code yet. Could you give me the link?

There sure is: http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net

That has links to the javadocs and of course the download.  You can grab
the very latest out of CVS if your interested in submitting anything. 
There is a mailing list for developers too, although frankly I don't think
anyone has signed up for it.

> Thanks,
> Tamas

Thank you! :)


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