Sounds like you probably have a case problem. 
Please make sure that you reference Title with the capital T throughout
the struts, jsp and bean. 

I can see your set method references title with lower case, this is
probably the culprit. 

Hope this helps. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Swapnil Patil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:13 AM
To: Johnson, Kaerstin
Subject: Can u help me...I have a problem related to struts.

Hi Johnson,

I am vary sorry for mailling on your personal email address.I had
posted my problem on the mailing list but till now don't get any
reply. If you have time plz take a look.

      I am new in  Struts framework. I had created simple Form
containging 2
members variables as

 String Title;
 Collection col;
I had created getter setter for both the members.

Now in my jsp page
I had coded like <html:form action="/DisplayGraphStep2">
 ( DisplayGraphStep2 is linked with the above Form1.)


if try like <html:text property="col"/> then it works
but i try for  <html:text property="Title"/> I get an exception ;

---- Root Cause -----
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property Title of
bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

setTitle(String title) and getTitle() methods are present in Form1 class

mapping is like
<form-bean name="GraphStep1Form"  type="GraphStep1Form"/>
<action path    ="/DisplayGraphStep2"
           type   ="DisplayGraphStep2"
           name =  "GraphStep1Form">
       <forward  name  =       "success"       path

Thanks in Advance.
Swapnil Patil

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