I would recommend changing the capital T to a lowercase t. This is standard. I have had problems in the past with having uppercase variable names. This is due to the reflection that Struts uses to find associated getters and setters.
Inactive hide details for "Johnson, Kaerstin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"Johnson, Kaerstin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          "Johnson, Kaerstin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          08/02/2005 11:34 AM

          Please respond to
          "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>


<user@struts.apache.org>, "Swapnil Patil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



RE: Can u help me...I have a problem related to struts.

Sounds like you probably have a case problem.
Please make sure that you reference Title with the capital T throughout
the struts, jsp and bean.

I can see your set method references title with lower case, this is
probably the culprit.

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Swapnil Patil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:13 AM
To: Johnson, Kaerstin
Subject: Can u help me...I have a problem related to struts.

Hi Johnson,

I am vary sorry for mailling on your personal email address.I had
posted my problem on the mailing list but till now don't get any
reply. If you have time plz take a look.

     I am new in  Struts framework. I had created simple Form
containging 2
members variables as

String Title;
Collection col;
I had created getter setter for both the members.

Now in my jsp page
I had coded like <html:form action=""> ( DisplayGraphStep2 is linked with the above Form1.)


if try like <html:text property="col"/> then it works
but i try for  <html:text property="Title"/> I get an exception ;

---- Root Cause -----
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property Title of
bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

setTitle(String title) and getTitle() methods are present in Form1 class

mapping is like
<form-bean name="GraphStep1Form"  type="GraphStep1Form"/>
<action path    ="/DisplayGraphStep2"
          type   ="DisplayGraphStep2"
          name =  "GraphStep1Form">
      <forward  name  =       "success"       path

Thanks in Advance.
Swapnil Patil

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