On 8/8/05, Christopher Marsh-Bourdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Over the past
> six months we have been migrating our front-ends from .net to Java
> based technologies, and Struts in the main.  Now a new manager has
> come on board and he wishes us to revisit the reasons why we choose
> Struts.  Now I was the main instigator as I have been using Struts
> for the past 3 years and I had previously been using an in-house MVC
> (urrgh!).  I like MVCs and especially Struts, mainly because it fits
> my mindset of seperation.  The main critisism (and the point of this
> missive) is that the argument I keep on facing is:
> "JSP/HTML/XHTML is a messy mark-up.  It is cumbersome to refactor and
> a bugger to work out.  We could use Tapestry or JSF and forget about
> HTML."

I would have thought that the main criticism would have been "Struts
is a simple controller framework and does not have cool drop-in web
controls or built-in DAO components, or out-of-the-box viewstate
management, or simple view/business component integration, etc. Struts
is a strange choice of yours, considering that you moved from asp.net.

> I have still to convince this new manager that
> Struts is the way, but I've removed one of the major arguments to
> going down the Tapestry/JSF route for now (not that they don't use
> CSSes)!

At least this is the area where asp.net is suckier than Struts: many
asp.net controls have built-in font sizes or colors or table styles,
so they cannot be controlled by CSS. On the other hand, Struts does
not have the notion of web controls at all. You have to build all
pages yourself and manually wire them to action form properties or to
other beans' properties.

Struts offers more freedom; maybe too much than an average web
developer would wish for.


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