On 8/22/05, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking in my Core JSF book and I can seem to find out how to do
> something that I would think would/should be pretty simple...
> How do I use a jsp:forward to trigger a method in my backing bean?
> <jsp:forward page="/mybackingbean.faces??{call fooBar method}???"/>
> I see how JSF uses h:commandLink for it's link but not sure how this
> helps with JSP forwards.

It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
<jsp:forward page="/foo.faces"/> will cause "/foo.jsp" to be rendered
(assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.

What problem are you trying to solve with <jsp:forward> that can't be
solved a different way?


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