Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/23/2005 3:27 PM:

Thus, the managed bean name corresponding to "/logon.jsp" *must* be
named "logon" for it to be recognized as a ViewController.  In your
scenario, you left the name copied from the Use Cases example
("logon$profile"), which would be suitable for a page named

Ok, this a total noob question, but it still has me confused. For example you'll see the use of a DataTable..

<h:dataTable value="#{tableData.names}" var="name">

this above would mean that I need a managed bean named "tableData" configured. Ok I'm fine there.

But now I see that you were a mentioning you need managed beans with names that match a URL pattern? If so this is very confusing. Would you then need to duplicate the managed bean definitions?

For example (and this in relation to my question from yesterday), what if if I had a forward (or even someone typing in the url directly) that went to a page...


and on that page, I needed to used a dataTable to show the list of employees. I currently have a managed bean definiton:


I then planned to use it on the employees.jsp with a dataTable:

<h:dataTable value="#{employeeBacking.employees}" var="emp">

EmployeeBacking extends AbstractViewController

and I have a prerender() in there that just throws in some sample data into my employees List in the EmployeeBacking class.

I'm too am having difficulty getting the prerender to fire:(

Is the problem that at I need another managed-bean definition with the name "employees" attached to the same "EmployeeBacking" object?

TIA for any help.

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