
When I connect Struts to Postgresql 8.0 database using DataSource object I get 
the following error messages:


DataSource dataSource = null;
    try {
    dataSource = getDataSource(request);
    conn = dataSource.getConnection();
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
   String sql = "select * from stocks where "
        + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'";
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from stocks where "
        + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'");

<data-source type="org.postgresql.jdbc2.optional.SimpleDataSource">

<set-property property="driverClassName"

value="org.postgresql.Driver" />

<set-property property="url"

value="jdbc:postgresql://" />

<set-property property="username"

value="postgres" />

<set-property property="password"

value="postgres" />



I am getting the following error message while running the struts application:

INFO: Failed to create a non-pooled connection for null at 
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname 
and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the 
postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

Tried starting Postmaser with -i option still not responding.
Could anyone tell me how to resolve this issue.


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