> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 7:01 PM
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: RE: query string parameters problem
> R.Vijayaraghavan asked:
>       [snip]
> > The action is set to /submit.do. Since I am only sending the
> > description in the http request, only the setDescription()
> > method should be called and it happens so. The problem is
> > when I try to access the age and name variables from the
> > ActionForm in the Action class, I get null. Why so? I am not
> > setting age and name after submitting the form, they are
> > already set. The form is in session scope, so shouldn't it be re-used.
> You might want to add hidden fields in your HTML form so that the name
> and age get resubmitted.

This can be done.

> Or, if the data you want is already in session
> scope, have your Action read that data from there.

When I say that the form is in session scope, does it mean that the
attributes in the form bean will hold their values until modified. If yes,
then why in my case it does not work.


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