Zsolt schrieb:


I need a good tab control for JSP. I have tried struts-layout and

This component is quite good, but requires JSP 2.0 (SimpleTag) and
has issues with Tiles (switch off JavaScript and see for yourself).
Furthermore, its config tag stubbornly creates its resources in
a directory named org.ditchnet right underneath context root, and
you can't change that without touching the code. Its main advanta-
ge is the expert usage of JavaScript and DHTML you won't find
in other components that soon. So there's still room to improve,
but the author obviously has a lot of other projects going on and
therefore might not find the time to bring this component from
current version 0.81 to final anytime soon (enough). My guess.
It just hangs there for at least two months now.

Struts-layout doesn't seem to work. Ditchnet seems to be very good however
we cannot switch tomcat-5.5 into servlet mode 2.3.

The main obstacle with Struts-layout IMHO is not so much that
the tags may not work, but that they don't come clear about
their licensing policy for commercial projects on their site
once and for all. No, I won't call or send a mail, but buy
something else in the meantime. Evaluation itself usually
costs much more than license fees. Therefore, I just won't
evaluate something I may have to drop later for license or
other reasons.

Can you provide me some alternatives?

If you had asked for Tree or DataGrids components, there
would be a real abundance of choices nowadays. But the
relatively simple TabSheet component still seems to be
kind of an orphan to TagLib developers. Still, there are
some options. IMHO the best may be *Struts-Menu* which has
already been mentioned. There is another component in an
(abandonware) suite named ninebits-taglib, IIRC, available
from SF and released under the GPL (not LGPL or Apache, so
an instant goodbye for commercial projects here). There's
another tag available that seems to have been free once,
but costs around USD 25 now, if you search the net long
enough; I forgot both its name and the URL. Then, there's
the ColdTag suite, of course, which also sports a relati-
vely simple Tab tag, but costs money for commercial use,
as all Coldsuite tags do. If Struts-Menu won't suffice
(its good) and as the taglib land seems to be more of an
endless plain with very few water spots if your needs
are more advanced, this could be one of the few ocasions
where one may also look for commercial implementations.
My personal favorite in this direction is the common-controls
suite (check Google). Pricing seems to be moderate, and even
if I hate the term 'runtime license', you also get some
quite good standard controls (Tree, TabSheet, Datagrid
an so on) which may spare you a lot of work otherwise.



-- Chris

NB. There must have been reasons why <x:tabbedPane> is
one of the standard controls in Apache MyFaces.

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