I have a project which I am working on. It does not have any type of form
login. It is just a merchant-type site.

When client hits the URL, the index.jsp calls a forward like so:
<logic:forward name="welcome" />

This of course sends the request to the struts-config.do.

I extended the RequestProcessor to set up some session type beans that
control the site. I only create the beans if the session.isNew() returns
true. In the RequestProcessor, I can see the beans being created and set
into the session.

Finally the request is forward to a .jsp page from the original "welcome.do"

On the jsp page, I have some tags, with links. Since I am using tags, I just
used some normal html style links. Not html:link calls.

When a user requests hits a link, and calls another xxx.do, the request goes
back to the RequestProcessor, and it thinks the session.isNew(), and I end
up creating all the session beans again.

After that it works as it should, but I end up with 2 (jsessionid) cookies
being created for each user?

I am seeking advice, as to why this occured, and if this is normal behavior,
or not-normal behavior. Upon researching the topic over the weekend, I was
unable to find any threads, about this.

Am I doing something wrong, or possibly a logic-flaw somewhere.



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