It seems beneficial to allow a mnemonic to be replaced by an EL expression.
This could be another approach to the 'horizontal override' of component
subtree and reduce the need to replicate the structure of the subtree in
 For example,
 <component jsfid="parent" extends="foo">
 <element renderId="1" jsfid="child">
 <set name="value" value="@valueExpr"/>
 would allow a component to extend from parent an override the nested value
of child without duplicating the structure of parent just to override a
single attribute.
 <component jsfid="bar" extends="parent" valueExpr="#{}">
 Currently, this is supported but only if value = [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
valueExpr="", because the mnemonic replacement is done after
the determination of whether or not the value isEL and isVB.
 So to allow for mnemonics to be replaced by #{},
PropertyValueCommand would need to change to do the mnemonic replacement
before determining isEL and isVB and isEarly.
 Any thoughts? I think this may be a better solution than the prior
discussed solution for overriding horizontally.

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