
1. Did the problem occur after a web application server (Jetty, Tomcat,
JBoss, etc.) shutdown/startup cycle or while the application was running

2. Have you changed ANY jar files in the webapp or any class files?
Anything which could have caused a spontaneous webapp reload?  The log files
in your container should indicate a shutdown/restart.

3. I see your action is listed (in a previous post) as with the form name
"loginForm".  Does that form extend ValidatorActionForm?  And what is your
struts-config.xml form-bean definition?

4. Are there any other developers for this site?

5. What are the file datestamps/timestamps on teh web.xml,
struts-config.xml, validation.xml, validator-rules.xml, etc.  Are they
recent (as in someone might have modified them before the last webapp
restart) or dated months ago (indicating no recent changes) ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Preston CRAWFORD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: Validation seemingly not getting called any longer

It's not configured in Validation.xml. The form is....

        <form name="loginForm">
            <field property="username" depends="required">
                <arg key="loginForm.username"/>
            <field property="password" depends="required,mask">
                <arg key="loginForm.password"/>

I did turn up debugging on
and and the interesting thing is that I
don't see the form validation getting built or initialized. What would
that look like? I wonder why that would not be occurring.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/8/2005 3:23 PM >>>
On 11/8/05, Preston CRAWFORD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have that. Either way the bottom line for me is it flys past
> validation, message or no message. So I need to figure out why that
> happening.

What _type_ of Action is LoginSubmitAction and How is it configured in

What's in the log files at application startup?  Turn logging up to
'debug' and you should see the validation config files being used to
configure validation for each form.

If the config looks right and there's nothing interesting in the log
files, try stepping through the code in a debugger.  JSwat is my
favorite, though I'm still getting used to the new version (and need
to update the instructions...)


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