I did a quick walkthrough the Struts code and it *looks* like nothing in
the code should create a session for a simple request.  Manually setting
the locale will do it, as will having beans in session-scope, and probably
a few other places, but a simple request shouldn't.

I would suggest simply grabbing the source for the version your using a
doing a global search for getSession(true) or getSession() and see if any
of those calls will affect you.  Alternatively, hook up a debugger and
walk through it starting from ActionServlet.process() and see what you

However, as another posted pointed out, accessing a JSP will create a
session too, unless you specify that you do not want that.  To do so, add:

<%@ page language="java" session="false" %>

...to the top of the JSPs where you do not want a session created (like
your login page for instance).

See if that does the trick for you.  I agree with others that there is
probably a better way to deal with your core problem, but this might help
you do what your trying to do none the less.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

On Wed, December 7, 2005 12:25 pm, James Harig said:
> Hi Russ,
>>No, sorry if I was being vague.
> No problem.
>>I don't want Struts to create a session simply by accessing an action; I
>> want to control
>> the number of sessions being handed out.
> I don't believe that this is possible.  The session creation happens at
> the servlet container level(in your case Weblogic); and sessions(if they
> dont exist), implicitly for each request.
>>A session is created by virtue of them just getting to the login page.
> Yes, this is true.
>>Weblogic is telling me that there are active sessions, even though I
>>have invalidated the session once the user logs out. So I don't know if
>>a person is still logged in, or if it is those extra sessions that are
>>being handed out by Struts.
> It sounds like you need to implement the concept of "LoginSession", to
> count the number of users that are logged in.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Baker, Russ A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:10 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Re: Session problem
> No, sorry if I was being vague. I don't want Struts to create a session
> simply by accessing an action; I want to control the number of sessions
> being handed out. All of my pages are using Tiles, so to call for
> instance the login page, which doesn't create a session; I have to call
> an action so that the page is rendered using the Tiles framework.
> A session is created by virtue of them just getting to the login page.
> If the user logs in successfully to the system they now have 2 sessions
> instead the desired result having only one that is assigned to them when
> they successful login. That is a waste of memory!
> So what I was getting at with the "I don't want to piss off the users by
> shutting down the system while they are still on it..." was that
> Weblogic is telling me that there are active sessions, even though I
> have invalidated the session once the user logs out. So I don't know if
> a person is still logged in, or if it is those extra sessions that are
> being handed out by Struts.
> Capiche?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Harig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 9:53 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Re: Session problem
> Hi,
> Here's my take on the subject....
> The key here is that you want the users to finish what they are doing
> before you let the server shut down.  This means a few things:
> 1. If the webapp uses the concept of logging in, new "login sessions"
> shouldn't be allowed.  Attempts to login should be responded to with
> some sort of error: "The server is being shutdown..."
> 2. Existing sessions should be invalidated as soon as their next request
> has been submitted, and the response should be redirected to an error
> message "The server is being shutdown".  For example, the when user
> clicks: "check mail", a request is generated to the server(which calls a
> Struts action); respond to this request by invalidating the session, and
> redirecting to an error page.
> 2.a. There is an exception to this case:  What if the user is in the
> middle of a multi-step process.  For example step 2 of the shopping cart
> checkout process.  In this case, you would want to postpone calling
> session.invalidate() until after the checkout transaction is complete.
> We will call these "multi-step transactions".
> To facilitate these items, you will need some method of informing your
> webapplication that the server is going to be shutdown.  One way to do
> this would be to set a flag in the application context; another way is
> to create a lock file; yet another way is to set a flag in a database.
> Once the webapp has been informed that the server is going to be
> shutdown, wait until all the user sessions have been invalidated, and
> shut it down.
> I have thought about this subject on a number of occasions, but have
> never implemented it.  I would be glad to hear of any feedback.
> Thanks,
> James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:09 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Re: Session problem
> The key is to not put anything in your session. Actions are the
> obvious place to look for things being stuffed into the session (via
> request.getSession().get/setAttribute()), but you might have a filter
> that creates a session as part of what it does, or an action that has
> a session-scoped form in struts-config.xml.
> If you want to only test for the existance of a session in your
> action, don't forget to call request.getSession(false) and then check
> the return for null. See the javadoc:
> http://java.sun.com/j2ee/sdk_1.3/techdocs/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpSer
> vletRequest.html#getSession(boolean)
> Also, if you have other webapps on the web server, they might be using
> sessions in their webapps, so anything you do in yours will be for
> naught.
> -ed
> On 12/6/05, Baker, Russ A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is Weblogic. I am using a "graceful" shutdown so that if people
> still
>> have open sessions, they can complete what they are doing. The other
>> alternative is to force shutdown, but I am afraid I will make enemies
> if
>> I do that...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laurie Harper
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:53 PM
>> To: user@struts.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Session problem
>> Baker, Russ A wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I am trying to figure out how to stop Struts from creating a
> session.
>> > What seems to happen is that once I call an action, a session is
>> > created. This is a problem because when I want to gracefully shut
> down
>> > my server, it complains that I still have an active session. Is
> there
>> a
>> > way to configure Struts so that it does not create a session when an
>> > action is called?
>> A session is created the first time something accesses it. Since
> Struts
>> stores various things in session scope, I don't think you can avoid
>> having one created.
>> What container are you using? It seems like an odd behaviour to refuse
>> to shut down if there are any active sessions... Are you sure it's
>> referring to an HTTP session (as opposed, for example, to a Hibernate
>> session or something)?
>> L.
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