> It seems that some static code in TagUtils is yielding an exception but
> I don't know struts code well enough to put my finger on it. Anyway,
> even if I did, I don't know that it would the solution to my problem
> since the issue is inside struts. Obviously this error doesn't appear
> under java 1.4.2.

This falls under the heading of  'obscure class loading problem' -- I
can't always pin down what's wrong, but some combination of
recompiling and restarting *usually* makes them go away.  If you
haven't already, try cleaning out the "work" directory in which your
servlet container places the compiled JSP code.

I have apps running in Tomcat 5.5 under JDK 1.5 using both Struts
1.2.7 and 1.3.0-dev.   The Struts 1.3 code and the application using
it were compiled with JDK 1.5, but 1.2.7 is from the distribution and
that app was compiled under JDK 1.4.  I haven't seen the problem
you're reporting.

What version of Struts are you using, and what Servlet container?


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