But what do you guys mean by lookin for a canceled method in the Action.
I think that the best would be to implement a Cancelable interface if your
Action is cancelable.
You would have to do this in all kind of Actions (DispatchAction too) by the

Or is having interfaces very unstrutsish?


On 1/24/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, January 23, 2006 9:54 am, Rick Reumann said:
> > The solution I would like to see is if the canceled param is passed to
> > the Action, it tries to look for a "canceled" method in the Action. I
> > know this makes the Action like a DispatchAction but in this regard I
> > don't think the non-Dispatch folks would disapprove too much. In other
> > words, execute is never performed (not is a dispatch method performed)
> > only the 'cancelled' method is looked for. Validation is skipped as
> > usual for this cancelled method. This is better than having to use the
> > current "isCancelled" since you are never in the your Action's execute
> > or Action dispatch method.
> I'm in the non-DispatchAction camp myself (although who knows, I may be
> the only one in that camp!) and I don't have a problem with this.
> > What do you guys think about just making sure a "cancelled' method is
> > looked for when canceling? The problem will be that this won't be
> > backward compatible now that I think about it. Blah oh well. I tried:)
> That would be my only concern is backwards-compatibility.  Then again,
> simply adding the method to the Action class should deal with it always
> being present.  I would also suggest a default implementation that
> returned null but that rendered a response like so:
> <html><head><title>cancel() not present</title></head>
> <body>No cancel() method found in requested Action</body></html>
> At least that way it's not just a blank screen, the hole is plugged, and a
> developer will know what's going on pretty quickly and easily (a nice log
> message in the default implementation saying what the requested Action was
> would be nice too).
> Anyone legitimately using isCancelled() functionality would have to move
> that related code to cancelled() now to have it all still work, but I tend
> to think that's a relatively small group of people being hurt... I for one
> would find this solution acceptable.
> Frank
> > The description by Laurie below is
> > On 1/22/06, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> [Moved to a top-level thread, as this doesn't have anything to do with
> >> (either of) the thread(s) it was nested in! :-)]
> >>
> >>
> >> I think this thread deserves discussion on the dev list, but before I
> >> move it over I thought I'd post a summary to make sure I've captured
> all
> >> the arguments. I've also added preliminary thoughts in how to resolve
> >> the issue at the end of this post, though that discussion definitely
> >> ought to proceed on the dev list I guess.
> >>
> >> I'll re-post this message to the dev list later today if I haven't
> >> missed anything important below:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> * Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL' parameter to
> >> any request will cause validation to be skipped, but the rest of the
> >> request processing / action invocation cycle to proceed normally
> >>
> >> * Consequence: any action which proceeds assuming that validation has
> >> completed successfully and which doesn't explicitly check isCanceled()
> >> is proceeding on a broken assumption
> >>
> >> * Questions:
> >>
> >> - why doesn't Struts call validate() on a cancelled request?
> >>
> >>     If a request is canceled it usually means validations don't
> >>     apply since the implication is that any user input will be
> >>     thrown away. Users shouldn't be required to supply valid
> >>     inputs for actions they are canceling.
> >>
> >> - why does Struts still call Action.execute() for a canceled request?
> >>
> >>     Since you may still want to act on a canceled request (e.g.
> >>     to clean up resources stored in the session). (Some of?) the
> >>     DispactAction variants dispatch to a special method and aren't
> >>     subject to the consequences listed above, but most action
> >>     implementations don't.
> >>
> >> - why does Struts still populate the action form on a cancelled
> request?
> >>
> >>     If inputs are going to be thrown away anyway, why process
> >>     them by populating the action form? [Commentary: I believe
> >>     this behaviour makes sense since it preserves a standard
> >>     way to access the request data, should you want to, regardless
> >>     of whether the action was canceled. You could argue that
> >>     either way...]
> >>
> >>
> >> Here's my first thoughts on possible approaches to addressing the
> >> problem, to kick off further discussion on the dev list:
> >>
> >> - SAF1.2 and before: ? document, don't fix? add config req'm'ts on
> >> action mapping? Refer to discussion on user list for various options.
> >>
> >> - SAF1.3+: make cancel processing a command which you have to include
> in
> >> your request processing chain, and perhaps disclude it by default? [I'm
> >> not familiar enough with how you deploy chains on a per-action basis to
> >> know if this is the right way to do it...]
> >>
> >> - WW2/SAF2: implement cancel processing as an interceptor and either
> >> disclude it from default stack or require an action to implement an
> >> interface declaring that cancel processing should happen?
> >>
> >> L.
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rick
> >
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