  you try like this in struts_config.xml and tiles_sam.xml file.

<action path="/Sample" name="sampleForm" scope="request"        
type="controller.admin.action.SampleAction" validate="true" 
        <forward name="failure" path="/admin/icf/sample.jsp" 

in tiles for this sample.jsp

<definition name="sample.icf" extends="base.project.admin" >
                <put name="header" value="heading" />
                <put name="header_detail" value="Sample" />
                <put name="menu" value="/admin/template/menu_blank.jsp" />
                <put name="body" value="/admin/icf/sample.jsp" />
                <put name="footer" value="Status: Sample page"/>

this may help u....

Quoting Martin Ravell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Say I have an app that uses Struts and Tiles and I am trying to get the
> Validator plugin to play nicely.
> As I understand it the 'input' option of an action element in
> struts-config.xml is used when a validation fails. i.e. if a validation
> fails we are redirected to whatever is in the input option rather than
> getting sent to the Action.
> This is what we want right? Only actually go to the Action if the fields
> pass their validations.
> I've looked at various Tiles tutorials and even more Validator tutorials
> but
> I can't seem to work out what I need to do to get these two to work in
> conjunction with each other.
> This 'input' value for the action element cannot be straight to a .jsp
> since
> I am using Tiles. If a validation fails we need to get Tiles to reconstruct
> the page (with it's header, menu etc) and display the messages from the
> failed validation.
> If I put in the name of a definition in my tiles-defs.xml into the 'input'
> option and purposefully fail validation on one or more fields I just get a
> blank page and a record in my log saying:
>   Validation failed, returning to 'activate_init'
> (activate_init in this case was the name of my definition in
> tiles-defs.xml)
> I know that the validator is being invoked because if I enter values that
> will pass the validation tests I do go through to the Action.
> Can someone give me an idea of what the action element should look like?
> More specifically what should go into the input option if I am using Tiles?
> I've tried creating an action definition specifically for use in the
> 'input'
> option e.g.
> <action path="/act" forward="activate_init"/>
> Then putting "/act.do" into the input still gives me a blank page.
> Damn I am confused. Have been looking so hard at this that I cannot see it.
> Can someone help with an explanation of how Struts and Tiles and the
> Validator can work happily together?
> Regards
> Marty
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