Yes. Tried the same and it works now.

I got a different problem now though.

The following action results in validation being called recursively
resulting in server crash.
  <action path="/Control" type=""
name="privacyPrefForm" scope="request" validate="true" input="
   <forward name="success" path="/jsp/global/def.jsp"/>
   <forward name="failure" path="/jsp/global/selectstate.jsp"/>

If I remove the input attribute a server exception is thrown. How can I make
a page submit to itself on validation errors?

On 1/29/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not saying this is your problem, but I've had  times where jar files
> get seemingly corrupted for no reason. I haven't  figured out why but at
> least twice a year a JAR file just dies on me.  Try reinstalling Struts and
> copy the default validation files out and  start from there.
> Paul
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