Vu, Thai wrote:
Hello everybody,

Could you give me some advices?

I heard that Spring helps us write less code (by declaring beans with
their own names in xml files, whenever we need a bean, just call that
name) and helps us in transactions (I don't know exactly if we use
Spring for transaction management what we can get. Could someone write a
few words here?)

That's a topic for the Spring lists, but briefly: spring allows you to configure transactional behaviour declarative and will automatically manage transactions for you -- meaning it'll transparently start/commit/rollback transactions as needed, regardless of what underlying database access and transaction APIs you're using.

I heard that JSF is best used for the view tier in the MVC model (I've
just read an article by Craig McClanahan named `The Best of Both Worlds:
Integrating JSF with Struts in Your J2EE Applications on Oracle website,
but it seems to me that that article applies to existing Struts
applications, not new ones). And if I should use JSF, which JSF
implementation should I use? Sun Reference Implementation or MyFaces or
Oracle ADF? I also heard that ADF provides the most components among
those 3 and it's just gone open-source (i.e. we can use it for free). Or

Oracle's ADF Faces is a component libarary, not a JavaServer Faces implementation. It can be used with either the JSF RI or MyFaces, but does not replace either. It *is* a very nice set of components, though, and is now open source.

Shale (as far as I know, it is a mixture of Struts and JSF. Am I

No, Shale is an application framework which extends JSF. It is entirely separate from Struts Action (the new name for the framework previously known as just 'Struts'). The two frameworks are both developed within the Apache Struts project, and share a community. Otherwise, they are distinct.



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