I know this isn't specifically struts realted, but am having trouble finding a jasper mailing list.

Basically was wondering if I can have a custom tagsupport tag's doStartTag() method acess the taghandlerpool.

Basically i want ot be able to create a form, where neccesary, with a start tag.

but, like struts does, only know the action and parameters adn be able to look up what form I should be using.

Also it would help if I knew how many form were laready in use, and if a form tag was open, and hence can throw an error.

So basically, I could create a html:form within some code that this tag creates.

Alternatively, although not the most desirable option, is the a way to output <html:form as part fo the start tag, and get the JSP to re evaluated it again.

Theres' probably a simple, duh!, solution coming my way, just can't seem to find the answer.



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