Very interesting numbers, please allow me a question, you have only 43
lines of java code in your application, but 1107 lines ruby code...
but are talking about smaller code base with ror? :-)


On 2/21/06, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> > A pretty simple document management system, for a small intranet, I'm
> > sure a typical application. It contains view and edit interfaces,
> > in the edit interface you can manage document vendors, document type
> > (like manual, presentation, advertisement material and so), and you
> > can upload document and assign properties to it: the type of the
> > document, the vendor of the document and some description. The access
> > is limited to restricted users.
> >
> If I have time in the next day or two I'll just do it and see. Without
> making the UI pretty I'd say we're talking 15-30 minutes, but that's
> assuming you don't have user access code that already exists.
> The unit and functional tests that RoR creates for you would not fully
> exercise the system; if you added on another 30 minutes you could have
> very broad coverage.
> > In the view interface you are able to select documents by type, or
> > vendor or type and vendor, or get the full list. The view interface
> > can be seen under
> >
> The view side would take longer because I don't know Russian ;)
> The search part by itself would be about 5-10 minutes.
> is a site that I _re_wrote using RoR as
> an experiment. I duplicated and extended the functionality in under 4
> hours, including reproducing the style/layout/etc. and breaking up the
> presentation side into more manageable chunks. (RoR  has "custom tags"
> but they're called "partials", as in a "partial template". Using them in
> an RHTML (our JSP) is still inside a scriptlet :(
> The vast majority of my time (about 3 hrs) was spent within the view
> side, as the source HTML was really crappy. Also, I had a working
> implementation to code from; if I had done it from scratch the view side
> would have taken me much longer as I really suck at design.
> There are some sections to the site that are not dynamic that should be;
> as an experiment I converted one static section to being dynamic and it
> took approximately 10 minutes without unit/functional tests.
> Also, it was my first "real" RoR application; a more knowledgeable RoR
> person would probably have been quicker. I am _far_ from an expert at
> RoR, but I get by.
> I've attempted to append a chunk of a comparison spreadsheet I made up;
> I doubt the formatting will work well so I apologize in advance.
> Caveats:
> - The J2EE version uses some weird older stuff the original app
> designers used, so the numbers may be inflated about 2-5%
> - The J2EE version includes no unit or functional tests; the RoR version
> has minimal tests (I have numbers for both)
> - The J2EE JavaScript includes a complete WYSIWIG HTML editor, the RoR
> version includes the complete prototype.js library which is not used.
> - The RoR version includes functionality not present in the J2EE
> version: three static sections were converted to dynamic (including the
> admin side) and there are more games being played with dynamic content
> inside the pages.
> HTH,
> Dave
>         Lines   Words   Chars
> J2EE
> JSP     1775    6205    59142
> JAVA    43      123     1561
> HTM     106     413     4715
> SHTML   1703    8305    93937
> TEM     718     2201    28420
> XML     17      26      619
> JS      4868    17325   161706
> Total   9230    34598   350100
> Total-JS        4362    17273   188394
> RoR
> RB      1107    2884    28196
> RHTML   998     4440    44158
> YML     40      107     927
> JS      3958    10851   126538
> Total   6103    18282   199819
> Total-JS        2145    7431    73281
> Total-JS-Test   1600    6182    60130
> Total-JS-Test-Helpers   1579    6137    59743
> RoR % of J2EE (All)     66%     53%     57%
> RoR % of J2EE (Just App)        36%     36%     32%

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