What doesn't work?  And what are you trying to accomplish with

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

On Tue, March 14, 2006 3:11 pm, struts lover said:
> Hi Frank,
>   I tried it but could not make it work. Also I am trying something like
> this.
>   <script>
>   history.forward();
>   </script>
>   This also doesnt work. I am using Tiles.
>   Thanks.
> "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I should also mention, you will probably want to have a check in all
> other
> pages/Actions that looks for some session variable that only gets sets on
> this page... if it isn't found, redirect here. That way, people can't
> jump into any page in your app they want.
> And again, I have to say, some people really disagree with things like
> this because it runs counter to "typical" web development. Make sure it's
> appropriate for your situation and environment before tossing out the
> prevailing wisdom like this.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> http://www.omnytex.com
> AIM: fzammetti
> Yahoo: fzammetti
> Java Web Parts -
> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
> Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
> On Tue, March 14, 2006 12:00 pm, Frank W. Zammetti said:
>> You have to open your application in a chromeless window. Since you said
>> the Javascript solved your keyboard problem, you are obviously working
>> in
>> an IE-only environment, so here's how to do it... Your app must start
>> with
>> a single page, say index.jsp, which will be:
>>   function openWindow() {
>>     var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
>>     var isMajor = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
>>     var isMinor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
>>     var isIE = ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) & (agt.indexOf("opera") ==
>> -1));
>>     var isIE3 = (isIE & (isMajor >     var isIE4 = (isIE & (isMajor ==
>> 4) & (agt.indexOf("msie 4") != -1)
>> );
>>     var isIE5 = (isIE & (isMajor == 4) & (agt.indexOf("msie 5.0") != -1)
>> );
>>     var isIE55Up = (isIE & !isIE3 & !isIE4 & !isIE5);
>>     if (isIE55Up) {
>>       strContent = "";
>>       strContent = strContent + "
> ";
>>       strContent = strContent + " > " +
>>         "cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
>>       strContent = strContent + "  ";
>>       strContent = strContent + "   ";
>>       strContent = strContent +
>>         "New window should be open, you can do what you want with this
>> one.";
>>       strContent = strContent + "   ";
>>       strContent = strContent + "  ";
>>       strContent = strContent + " ";
>>       document.getElementById("Content").innerHTML = strContent;
>>       desiredWidth = 1180;
>>       desiredHeight = 936;
>>       myLeft = (screen.width) ? (screen.width - desiredWidth ) / 2 : 0;
>>       myTop = (screen.height) ? (screen.height - desiredHeight ) / 2 :
>> 0;
>>       myOpts = "resizable,scrollbars,width=desiredWidth
>> ,height=desiredHeight ,top=" + myTop +
>>         ",left=" + myLeft + ",";
>>       window.open('index1.jsp', 'MYAPP', myOpts);
>>     }
>>   }
>>   > align="center">
>> Your browser is not IE, or Javascript is not enabled. Either way, go
>> away!
>> Change desiredWidth and desiredHeight to the size you want the window to
>> be. This will open index1.jsp into a new window with no buttons, menus,
>> status bar, etc. This also centers the window upon opening it, something
>> I generally like. It also ensures the browser is IE 5.5 or higher. You
>> can change that accordingly if you need to support older versions, or
>> want
>> to further limit it to 6.0+ for instance.
>> That's all there is to it... this, plus the Javascript from yesterday,
>> gets you about as close to full control as you can probably reasonably
>> hope to get. As long as your OK in an IE-only world, it's pretty nice.
>> I'm sure it's not fullproof, but it's more than adequate for typical
>> users. Throw in a right-click blocking function and it's pretty good.
>> (If anyone can duplicate both these things with FF, that would be
>> fantastic... the chromeless window probably isn't a big deal, but my gut
>> tells me blocking the back functionality wouldn't be as easy, if
>> possible
>> at all).
>> --
>> Frank W. Zammetti
>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>> Omnytex Technologies
>> http://www.omnytex.com
>> AIM: fzammetti
>> Yahoo: fzammetti
>> Java Web Parts -
>> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
>> Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
>> On Tue, March 14, 2006 11:37 am, struts lover said:
>>> Hi Frank,
>>> Thanks for your reply. That solves my problem of back button or other
>>> key on the keyboard. But I still have the problem with the browser back
>>> button. I am using Tiles.
>>> It would be nice if you can provide any pointers.
>>> Thanks.
>>> "Frank W. Zammetti" wrote:
>>> Marked OT... this isn't Struts-related...
>>> There isn't any way to do it cross-browser that I am aware of, and
>>> there
>>> isn't any way to do it definitively. However, because you say you are
>>> working on an Intranet application, you may have some options that you
>>> otherwise might not...
>>> First thing, spawn a new window for you app with no chrome. This will
>>> remove the Back button, and the menus that will allow you to access it,
>>> leaving just keyboard shortcuts.
>>> If you can develop for IE-only, here's something I have found works...
>>> throw this in your onLoad handler...
>>> document.onkeydown=function(e){if(event.srcElement.type=='text'||event.srcElement.type=='textarea'){return
>>> true;}else{return false;}};
>>> This will block the back shortcut. Amazingly, it also seems to block
>>> reload, and mouse clicks (i.e., if you have the middle mouse button
>>> mapped to back, as I do). In other words, it seems to pretty well block
>>> everything that you might be interested in blocking :) But again, it
>>> is IE-only.
>>> Don't forget too that many will argue that this is terrible web design.
>>> I happen to disagree, but there are very reasonable arguments to make
>>> that this is a bad idea. Make sure it's what you really want and need.
>>> Frank
>>> struts lover wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am using Struts and Tiles for an intranet application. I want to
>>>> disable the back button.
>>>> How can I achieve this?
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks
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