location.href will give you the same page... what you want is whatever the *real* initial page of your app is. For instance, if right now you would go to index.jsp as the first page, then rename that to index1.jsp and use that as the argument. The page I gave you would then become index.jsp. Make sense?


struts lover wrote:
I again tried it and now it works. But what would be the argument to the window.open method.
  I am using struts and tiles and all of my uri are like employee.do etc.
I tried doing window.open(location.href, 'MYAPP', myOpts);
  and it went into infinite loop.
Any further help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

"Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What doesn't work? And what are you trying to accomplish with

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