On 3/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/14/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Dakota Jack wrote:
> > > For my part, I have to disagree with Frank.  JSF has been around forever
> > and
> > > has no discernable traction.  Perhaps that is the reason Craig is a
> > little
> > > testy nowadays.  I don't know about that.
> >
> > I don't think it's fair to say it has no discernible traction.  I
> > *would* however agree that it hasn't gotten the traction that was hoped
> > for.  In either case, I for one am not sure at what point it is
> > reasonable to completely dismiss something because it hasn't yet reached
> > the top of the hill...
> Please try these opinions out on the MyFaces crowd :-).  In case you didn't
> know, that is an *Apache* project to produce an *Apache licensed*
> implementation of JSF, along with some cool components that conform to the
> spec.  Popularity is growing like wildfire -- and that was already true even
> before the ADF Faces contribution that recently entered the Apache
> Incubator.
> Last time I looked, MyFaces has more active committers than Struts does
> (action framework and Shale folks combined), and *lots* more commit
> activity, if that is your criteria for success.  (In case you are wondering,
> it's not mine).
> Craig

So why again MyFaces is not under Struts umbrella while Shale is?


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