So I got to talk to a few start ups in SV. Here is my guess of market share of new projects in '07. If you disagree, I will give you a refund.

1.C# is big ( I hope. I am surprised how many companies are converting this quick) 35% 2.Ajax is big (client side, not emitted from server, any back end stack) 20%
3. SOA (like talking to ebay, 40% of ebay traffic is API) 10%
4.PHP! (Quercus I love) 5%
5.One could just lump all the JEE ones into a single bucket. Emitting UI from server, like it's 1999? Who cares, is there someone left in a 3rd world high school who still does not know html/css? Just maintain legacy apps like is 3270. 3%
6. Other (Ruby.) X%

My hope is that Flash and then "SmartClient/WinFX" "generation follows Ajax UI quicker rather than later. Maybe some SOA dispatcher would help Groovy get market share, but Java??

Really, more choices competing for developers is a good thing.


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