Turns out you were talking about, as I understand you, code in company as
opposed to code on an open source project.  This is totally irrelevant.  The
issue is not whether there are people who make mistakes in companies.  The
issue is about open source.  Those are not the same.  So, do you have any
experience, as you suggested, with the relevant matter, viz., open source,
as indicated?

As to the rest, so far as I can tell, you are the troll, my friend.

On 3/24/06, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> > I flat don't believe this.  Who, what, where, when, etc?
> >
> Uh... you're saying you don't believe I've managed and/or worked on
> large projects at large companies?
> Or you're saying that you don't believe that I've had (occasionally
> _substantial_) issues with sub-standard coders having commit rights to
> said projects (which I would think is a no-brainer)? (Two good ones pop
> immediately to mind: why is the laser printer printing everything as a
> mirror image? Hint: it's not a printer setting, and it's somewhere in
> that 1.2 million lines of C and C++ code. Why does Beavis occasionally
> hover 8-16 pixels above the ground under certain pad inputs combined
> with one of two specific moving obstacles? That's somewhere in 16K of
> self-modifying Z80 assembly language. Ooo, how about trying to fix a
> 300-line lisp macro written by somebody else that really didn't know
> lisp? Or the completely undocumented 64K of 8051 assembly and C pump
> control system that wanted a pressure compensation algorithm but it was
> kind of hard to tell which of the multi-processors you needed to add the
> code to? Or the cereal boxer written in Forth that would occasionally
> (think 8-bit overflow) shoot cereal more or less everywhere?)
> NOT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE COMMIT ACCESS. Non-trivial things can happen
> when they do.
> Either way, why on EARTH would I give a shit what you think? I've been
> doing this for 20 years in essentially every major software field there
> is (and about 10 years non-professionally before that) and somehow I've
> managed not to alienate nearly every user of this list and still be a
> pretty good programmer. Somehow I manage to not threaten people with
> lawsuits if they call me a name.
> Tell me why I should care what you think, 'cuz I'm having problems with
> this one.
> And for those of you flooding me with "don't feed the troll" emails, I
> know... but now "Dakota Jack" is directly questioning my honesty and my
> history, which I do _not_ take kindly to. I am many, many things, not
> all good, but a person who does not speak the truth is not among those
> things. I spend most of my non-computer time in a dojo where them's
> fightin' words.
> Dave
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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