Good god, this seems to be a disease that is catching.  Why don't YOU answer
the question, then, Bart?  It is amazing to watch someone kiss ass and be
arrogant at the same time.

On 3/28/06, Bart Busschots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry Meadors wrote:
> >LOL, Jon, do you read your own posts?
> >
> >On 3/28/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Do keep your eye on the ball, Paul. These people have had every chance
> >>to respond to my points via legitimate debate and they chose not to.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >OK, so what you are saying here is that "these people" could have
> >debated with you, but instead chose not to...but of course you only
> >say this after a personal attack.
> >
> >
> >
> >>And then they start this stuff. Yet you are trying to extract some kind
> >>of moral equivalence out of this.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >...then follow it with another...
> >
> >
> >
> >>Well, maybe you got ruined by being exposed to too much moral relativism
> >>and other sophistry in college.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >...and another.
> >
> >This is my last post on this thread, before returning home from bizzarro
> world.
> >
> >I see two courses of action for you Jon:
> >
> >If you think struts is so bad that it is unfixable, then find
> >something else. Leave us all here to wallow in our ambivalent
> >ignorance. Then, if you are right, when and if we ever get as smart as
> >you are and realize that struts is dead, you can charge us all for
> >training on the Next Big Thing.
> >
> >If you think struts is bad, but that it is fixable, then do something
> >about it. Check it out of SVN, fix it, and use it. If you are so darn
> >smart, we will all be begging to use it in no time. ...and again, you
> >can charge us all for training on that Next Big Thing.
> >
> >But in either case, stop being such a buttmonkey (if you can).
> >
> >Larry
> >
> >
> *round of applause for this man*
> Well said!
> Struts is open source, if you (Jon) think it is utter poo as is, check
> it out, fix it and release it as your own
> GPL project. If you are right in your statements that you know how to
> fix it then we will all love
> you to bits and hail you as the master of MVC.
> If all you can do is talk, talk, talk, talk ....................... and
> talk more but you are not prepared to actually
> do anything then please do all of us a favour and go talk somewhere else
> where you are not cluttering
> up all our mailboxes.
> I've been silent for the past few weeks of this bullshit but enough is
> enough. Either shut up and do something
> or just shut up, either way, I for one don't want to hear any more of
> this tripe and I VERY much doubt I'm
> alone in that.
> Bart.
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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