Right, as I see it this all boils down to Jon whinning that the struts guys are adopting WebWorks for the basis of struts 2 rather than Struts 1.X. So the problem seems to be that two groups trying to achieve the same thing have come together and merged. Hang on a sec .... that's NOT a problem. The struts guys saw that webworks was good and adopted it. GREAT, BRILLIANT! They are DOING WHAT IS BEST FOR THE USERS, i.e. US! Just because you switch to a new track does NOT mean you have stagnated! It means you are moving foward in a positive manner. How on earth can that be a bad thing and how on earth can such obvious progress forward be stagnation!

By Jon's "logic" Windows development stagnated when the Windows ME code-base was abandoned and MS have serious questions to answer as to why they moved on to a better technology (WinNT Code Base). Not to Mention Apple really stagnated when they moved from OS 9 to the NeXT based OS X.

Besides, since I started using struts about 9 months ago Struts have moved on at least 5 minor versions, that's hardly stagnent now is it!

Stuts is moving FORWARD, the struts code base has been STRENGTHENED by the inclusion of WebWorks, where on earth is this mythical stagnation? The only thing here that seems stagnent to me are John's posts. They are just the same thing over and over and over and over and over ......... again. We get it Jon, we know what you think, it's just that not everyone agrees with you and no matter how many times you say the same thing everyone will NEVER agree with you!

This topic is dead, it has been for weeks, can we now please do the honourable thing and bury it!


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