Well said!

Asad Habib wrote:

Do WE think that Dakota has said his fair share and that his ideas are
STALE? Do WE think that Dakota should stop harassing others on this list?
Do WE think that too much Dakota talk is bad? Do WE think that Dakota is talking nonsense?

Yes, indeed, WE do! Paul, I, and lots of others on this list THINK
exactly this and have expressed this multiple times. I THINK it is
time for Dakota to stop THINKING. What do you THINK, Dakota, o noble
master of DO YOU THINK?

- Asad

On Fri, 31 Mar 2006, Dakota Jack wrote:

Do you think there is any value in letting a situtation which led to the
problem go by without lessons learned, Paul? Do you think just because the people who coded the hairball are not talking about it we should just let it drop and believe that they won't do the same thing with WebWorks? Is that
what you think?  You do seem to get the fact that there is a real,
unaddressed problem. I don't think we need you to tell us when we should
stop talking.  If you don't get it, then move on.  Noone is holding your
nose to this grindstone. I am amazed when people are concerned that others are addressing an issue. What is with that? If you are tired of talking we
should stop?  That is a very odd way to think.

On 3/29/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This topic has become stale, in my opinion, and I do not understand
why people continue to participate in it. When people attempt to have
a successful discussion, there is usually a goal to attain, but I am
unable to discern what serious goal there is in telling the commiters they
are, in so many words, lousy, a failure, makers of bad products, the
fathers of stagnation, betrayers of their foundation, etc. :-)
Discussions can be alot of fun and productive and bear good fruit,
but discussions, like fruit, also wither after a season.... and I think
the season is well underway for all the participants to just accept
that you've been heard, not everyone will agree, and finger-pointing
isn't productive. -- Paul

--- Al Eridani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/29/06, Bart Busschots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Right, as I see it this all boils down to Jon whinning that the struts
guys are adopting WebWorks for the basis of struts 2 rather than



And you see it wrongly. Either you came late into this and could not be
bothered to check the archives or your attention span is so short that
you have forgotten already.

It all started when some Struts committers described their relatively


environment (limiting who could contribute) and Jonathan wondered
aloud whether that lack of openness had been a contributing factor to
Struts decline.

The question was never addressed because, in the inmortal words of one
of the defenders of the faith, "the question is invalid".

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