On 4/6/06, Haim Raman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am having an issue I am trying to solve and I do not have a clue how
> to.
> The configuration used is jboss 4.01-sp1 running inside an apache 2.0
> web server on a Linux based machine with Struts version 1.2.4.
> When clicking on a link or submitting a form -  after few seconds a
> white page is flashing  for few seconds and only then new page starts
> loading.
> This effect emphasizes performance issues we have and we are trying to
> avid it.
> The expected behavior was that the first page will be displayed for few
> seconds while the request is processed and then the new page will be
> loaded.
> I suspected filers issue here but did not found anything wrong, a
> different option is a jboss/tomcat /apache  configuration issue.
> Does any one has any idea how to tackle this issue.

If you use asynchronous request (as in: Ajax), you can refresh a part
of a page or a whole page. You would repaint the page after you
receive the response. So, you will still have a delay, but you won't
have the empty window flash.

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