I'm trying to use Shale-Tiles with RI and I'm having trouble submitting forms.
The page renders okay (once I start using <f:verbatim> all over the
place), but the submit doesn't work.
I stepped through the code and it looks like there's a viewid mismatch.

Here's my tile definition:
    <definition name="base.layout" path="/baseTemplate.jsp" >
        <put name="windowTitle" value="My Page Title"/>
        <put name="pageHeader" value="/pageHeader.jsp" />
        <put name="body" value=""/>

    <definition name="/testing" extends="base.layout">
        <put name="windowTitle" value="Testing Only"/>
        <put name="body" value="/showSample.jsp"/>

I request /myapp/testing.jsf which renders ok.
I type in a value in a text field and submit the form.
In the RI's ViewHandlerImpl.restoreView(), it's looking for
viewid="/testing.jsp", but the viewid recorded in the sessionMap is
"/testing.jsf", so the submit request gets treated as a new one
instead of a postback.
What am I doing wrong?


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