2006/4/28, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

You are correct.  There is special handling defined in the Restore View
phase.  If that phase discovers that there is no state to be restored
, then JSF will immediately forward to Render Response phase.

So, how do you make sure that the right dynamic data gets loaded so that
page displays the right stuff?  That's where Shale comes in handy.  If
backing bean implements the ViewController interface, then prerender()
get called just before the JSP page is invoked.  This is the perfect place
to grab any data you need from your database to display the requested


Craig, When the page is first viewed,If I want to dynamically set the inital
value of the property  of  the UI component (for exsample, text of a
textbox), how can I set the value of it. Even if I crab the data in
prerender() method, how can I get the reference to the component without a
tree in session, when Restore the View phase is skiped.
Wang Zeng

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