Hi all,

I'm kind of stuck with a little problem. perhaps someone can help!

I want to include a payment service into my Struts Action 1.2.x based shop.
The payment service needs the information via http POST. The user (my
customer) will authorize the transaction on the site of the payment service.
After finishing he will press a "back"-button which calls my shop again.

I could put a form containing the necessary data for the payment service on
my shop site and on submit everything would be fine. But as I will support
more than one payment service I would like to not include all the data in
the JSP page where they could be seen in the source.
I would instead like to have a button "pay by payment service x" which calls
an action that creates the POST data and sends them to the payment service
redirecting my customer to its site.

as a picture:

      |  (the product data are stored in the session)
      | (generate the POST data)

How can I do this?


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