On 5/5/06, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I love the response time on this list.  :)  Thanks for the tip Craig.  I
had an old version of the public id

"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Shale Clay View//EN"

Is there a wiki I can post this info on for others?

That would be very helpful.

We share the same Wiki infrastructure that the rest of the Struts community
uses. You could start at [1] and either find an existing page of helpful
hints, or create a new one.


p.s. I was wondering if any of the Shale team would be at JavaOne - I
looked at the schedule and didn't see any.

Don't I count?  :-)  I'm a speaker on two different sessions (TS-4372 -
panel discussion on AJAX/Web 2.0/SOA, Tuesday @ 11:00, and TS-1887 - "EJB
3.0, Java Persistence API, and the Web Tier, Friday @ 10:45).  Of course,
I'll certainly be at the Struts session on Wednesday (TS-3682, 2:45pm) and a
bunch of the other web and AJAX sessions.  I think Gary is also coming as an


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/struts/Shale

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