I think the more elegant solution is to do the validations in the ActionForm validate method and also use a hidden static 'page' variable in the JSP. Your Action.execute method should be fairly small and mainly have code that calls business delegates and that necessary for determining where to forward to.


Jakub Milkiewicz wrote:
I have a wizzard application with 5 screens. All user inputs are collected
in one bean, which is named: viewBean and is stored in HTTP session.
So each action has the same formBean - viewBean.
I use commons-validator and viewBean properties to validate are present in
validation.xml with page attributes.
ViewBean extends ValidatorForm and it's validation occurs automatically - i
have validation set to true for all ACTIONS.
The structure of my app is:
Populate view  -> jsp ->populate view ->jsp ->populate view -> jsp ...
Population of view happens in ACTION class and can consists of retrieving
some data from DB, sets these data in HTTP request.
After population process i forward to appropriate jsp to give user a chance
to fill the form and to present population process results as for example
options in <html:select>.
If form is correct i go to another action which populate view for a next
screen (jsp).
If form is not filled correctly i need to show it again, but i can not
forward to jsp - i need to forward to action that prepares the form - that's why i have my input parameter of <action> tag set to action which populate
the view - previous action.
I have a problem with page attribute. Please take a look at the sample of
processing in my app:
ACTION1 -> JSP1 ->ACTION2 -> JSP2  ->Action3 ->JSP3 ...
Let's assume that user submits form in JSP2 to action3. After ActionForm
bean population, page property is set to 2. Next, validation fails in
Action3 and input parameter of <action3> forwards user to ACTION2.
Before execute method in Action2 is invoked, ActionForm (viewBean)
validation occurs. The page attribute is still set to 2 ! and
commons-validator tries to validate properties that has page attribute set to 2.Obviously validation fails and control is forwarded to Action1. Action1
also has validation set to true and validation of ActionForm occurs again
with page =2.
Validation fails and control is forwarded to ...
Does anyone have any idea to solve the problem.
My idea is to not to use hidden page parameter in each jsp action but set
page property of viewBean in each Action: for ACTION2 sets it to 2,  for
Action3 sets it to 3 ...
and to override validate method in viewBean:

public ActionErrors validate(
       ActionMapping mapping,
       HttpServletRequest request) {
       ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping,request);
       if(errors != null && errors.size() > 0 )
       return errors;

Maybe someone knows more elegant solution, or maybe architecture of my app
isn't valid.

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