And I'll be contrary and toss in a "Yes, but ..." (apol: Eric Berne) 
(as usual, corrections to my notes are welcome)
Yes, but you have to do it programmatically.  I don't think there's
anything in j2ee (or any other web app) interfaces or implementations
that handles this, as Phil said, so you have to make it happen by using
tokens and hand-written code etc etc.   Unless you are progamming a
bank's online faciliity or a www air traffic controller, try not to go
this way (I've done one - it was fairly easy in retrospect but adds a
moderately painful comprehensibility and navigation burden to the app,
so I'm not advising it as a first choice).  Safer to abide by available
technologies and their proper application, as Phil was saying. 
The Back button and serverside webapps *naturally* clash if you provide
no specific code to handle it - *you* have to anticipate that and
program around that reality, from as early as possible in the dev
cycle.  Worse is that the implementation of behaviour of "Back" by
different browsers is quite different, some taking the "purely snapshot"
view, others taking the "resubmit the url" policy ... so there is great
variation in outcomes!
Unfortunately a lot of developers coming from passive web page
development (where Back works perfectly every time) don't realise that
there's a problem until they've completed their first decent size active
serverside web app and someone (usually the customer) says "but it
breaks if I click *Back*".
This question was popped here a week ago ... perhaps we need an

Philihp Busby wrote:

> No.
> When people have a problem with back buttons, 95% of the time they are
> either doing one of the following:
> - Confusing the GET and POST methods and their intended purpose with
> forms.
> - Abusing client-side browser scripting for forwarding users.
> On 5/11/06, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     Is there  any way I can  realize  using java     that the user
>> clicked on browsers back button  ?
>>   Thanks & Regards
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