Probably correct but a work-intensive solution.  A generic solution would be

On 5/16/06, Bart Busschots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is probably a simple problem with relative paths, just do a
view-source on the generated page to see what's going on. That or right
click and 'view image' to see what URL the image is being retrieved
from. I'd wager it won't be what you're expecting and that will be the
cause of your problems.

HTH, Bart.

M.Liang Liu wrote:
> My GOD!
> The same thing  happened when I try to insert an image!!!!!!!!!!
> Help,please.
> On 5/16/06, M.Liang Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,guys!
>>    I am meeting with a problem when I tried to insert a flash to my
>> pages.I use Tiles plug-in and it works well.
>>   I put a flash in my header.jsp and the flash can display as
>> expected as
>> I typed the very url of this page.But when I put this page in my
>> layout.jsp tiles files,nothing displayed.
>>   I defined the xml file as following:
>> > <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC "-//Apache Software
>> > Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN" "
>> >";>
>> > <tiles-definitions>
>> >     <definition name=".main.layout" path="/tiles/layouts/Layout.jsp">
>> >         <put name="title" value="${title}"/>
>> >         <put name="menutree" value="/tiles/menutree.jsp" />
>> >         <put name="header" value="" />
>> >         <put name="body" value=""/>
>> >         <put name="footer" value="/tiles/footer.jsp" />
>> >     </definition>
>> >     <definition name=".index" extends=".main.layout">
>> >         <put name="title" value="welcome!!!" type="string" />
>> >         <put name="header" value="/tiles/header.jsp" />
>> >     </definition>
>> > </tiles-definitions>
>> >
>> And I opened mapping to ".index" and the pages displayed
>> successfully ,except the flash.
>> Who can help me?And it is strange,yup?
>> Beg your pardon for my poor English.
>> Thanks for reading.

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