  I my project at run time when modify the tile definition based on some 
  Wht I want to know that when symultaneous request come for that tile (which 
will be used in rendering the page for that request.) Unexpected results for 
diff user.
  for e.g
  one userwithoutBody the from the tile definition we will remove the attribute 
'body' and for the userwithBody 's request we will add attribute 'body' in the 
definition at run time.
  In the above scenerio is it possible that tile definition(where attribute 
'body' is removed for userwithoutBody ) can be sent back to userwithBody  due 
to multiple request coming for userwithoutBody & userwithoutBody.
  the above code is my action handler.
  Basically this qn. bvelongs to multithreading.
  Do i need to use synchonised block?
  Pls let me know.

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