Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> Check out Stripes, great stuff.

It is indeed pretty cool.

I really dislike putting my URL mappings in code, though, if for no
other reason than if I'm testing or need to stub out a URL handler
temporarily for some reason I have to touch things in two different
places (maybe I don't; I haven't looked in to it).

I think that's more or less what Craig was saying as well; there are
some things that simply don't belong in annotations; for me that's
really high on the list.

I'd also rather tweak a config file to define a service implementation
than dink in the source code, although that one is less problematic for me.

If it doesn't change the way I'd write the code then for me it's better
somewhere else than the code. Like Frank I've also done a lot with
putting things into a DB that can alter (sometimes radically!) the way
an application works without having to restart anything (DI configured
from a DB can be WONDERFUL, especially if you don't have access to the
config files... and can store implementations in the DB... dangerous,
but very handy).


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