José María Tristán wrote:

        I'm trying to use validator framework but the aplication don't works.
        In the struts-config.xml i have:

        <form-bean name="seguimientoComercialForm"
Your form-bean should be referencing your own class (like mypkg.form.SeguimientoComercialForm) that itself extends ValidatorForm. Then you define all the properties in there:

package mypkg.form;

import org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm; // note the package!

public class SeguimientoComercialForm extends ValidatorForm {
   private String unidades;
   public void setUnidades( String unidades ) { this.unidades = unidades; }
   public String getUnidades() { return this.unidades; }

<form-bean name="seguimientoComercialForm" 

Double-check your XML for typos in the package/class name!

- Scott

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