You write:
 >>Can someone explain me this? Both form extend ActionForm and both actions 
 >>extend a common action.
Vinicius, I think you need to refer to my previous email: ActionForm does not 
validate. You need to extend from ValidatorActionForm or ValidatorForm. The 
first valdiates based on URI, the second on the form name.


Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well, I've just quit the 
validation on strtuts (based on
commons-validator). So I've decided to use dumb manual validation.

Well problem is, I still can't get one of my forms to validate!!!!!

HereĀ“ my struts-config:


name="cadastrarVotanteForm" input="/">

name="cadastrarVisitanteForm" input="/">

What's really pissing me off is that the first formbean/action mapping
is just ignoring the validate phase, but the second don't. Can someone
explain me this? Both form extend ActionForm and both actions extend a
common action.

How come this be possible? Please, I tried everthing I know and
nothing seems to make it work, I must be missing a spot somewhere,
just can't find it.


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