Hi people, I´m newbie in Struts World...

I´m trying to configure the Struts validator.xml with floatRange argument
but it don´t work correctly. The validator doesn´t check the decimal value
of the 'min' and 'max' values:

           <field property="bonus" depends="required,float,floatRange">
               <msg name="floatRange" key="errors.greaterzero" />
               <arg0 key="general.bonus" />
               <arg1 name="floatRange" key="${var:min}" resource="false"/>
               <arg2 name="floatRange" key="${var:max}" resource="false"/>

With this configuration, Validator don´t check if the number is greater than
00.00, it check just the integer "00".00 part so its don´t accept number
00,**  (like 00,01)  just 01,* *  ...

Anybody knows if my configuration is correct?

Sorry my english.



Marcelo V. F. Menezes
0xB904EBB4 @ http://pgp.mit.edu
"queriam apenas se divertir e pensavam tratar-se de um mendigo, não de um
índio, o homem a quem incendiaram." - Defesa dos acusados de matar o índio
Pataxó Galdino Jesus dos Santos.

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