One note to what Martin and Antonio said.
If you can live with what browsers make out of your xslt/xml then go
for it. Having the rendering on your server is a huge performance
But if you can let the browser do the rendering, than its a very cool


On 9/6/06, Artem Zhmurov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everybody.

What if we use struts to make XML with view data in it, and than use XSLT.
Making XML with struts will be much easier than any other ways of making
XML. There will be less or even no view-logic in action classes. And it's
more convenient to make different *.xsl files for different types of
browsers, or use AJAX (or Google AJAXSLT). Debugging will be easier to: we
always can see the result xml and check if the data is correct.

What do you think about it? Maybe someone already using that scheme (or have
tried to use)?

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