
I have a jsp page where I show a table with some fields of a session collection (listUsers). In every row of the table I want to call a new jsp page in order to show all fields.

<c:forEach items='${listUsers}' var='lee'>
<td class="tablaFilaVariosResultados1"><c:out value='${lee.lastName}'/></td> <td class="tablaFilaVariosResultados1"><c:out value='${lee.name}'/></td> <td><html:link action="searchUser.do?parametro=editUser" paramName="listUsers" paramId='${lee.dni}'>Edit</html:link></td>

If I click on the link Edit, I want to go to a new jsp where I show all fields related with lee.name and lee.lastName.

If I do
Collection users = (Collection)request.getSession().getAttribute("listUsers"); then I obtain all Collection info, not the info related with the selected row.

How can I do that?

Thanks a lot.

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