He, I'm using Struts 1.2.7, and it's not there. :( Too bad for me. However, I think my problem must have been solved in some way, because what I'm trying to do isn't that remarkable.

Some actions require the user to be logged in. I want to direct them to a login screen. When they successfully logged in, I want to return to where they came from. Is the only option to *redirect* to the login action and use the HTTP Referer-header to save where they came from? (Or send the returnurl as a GET-parameter to the login action)

I guess action chaining is kind of evil. Hey, it's not like there is any actual, factual documentation about struts out there waiting for me to find it? I'm having a very hard time finding any hints how to accomplish things.

Adam J Samere skrev:
1.2 does not have this behavior. You could either use a filter as I mentioned, or to stay within the struts framework either create a common base Action subclass, or subclass RequestProcessor or ActionMapping to add the desired functionality. Either way would be a trivial task. I agree with Don, action chaining is bad! :)

Don Brown wrote:
Well, first of all, action chaing is bad ;), but second, Struts 1.3 at
least, and perhaps 1.2 automatically saves the original request uri
for you.  Look in the request under the
o.a.struts.Globals.ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URI key.


On 9/10/06, David Grundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You are absolutely right about that, I could modify PlaceAction to save
the URL somewhere. But you see, I'm doing a lot of forwarding to the
ListAction, and I don't want to change every Action that forwards to
ListAction. Come on! There's got to be a way to find the original URL.

Adam J Samere skrev:
> You could call getRequestURI in PlaceAction and set the result into a
> request attribute (assuming PlaceAction forwards to list.do, not a
> redirect) which would then be available to ListAction. If you are
> redirecting you would need to either set the value into the session,
> or append it as a request parameter to list.do. Not sure if there is a
> better way though.
> Adam
> David Grundberg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to do something like this:
>> 1. User enters http://localhost/appname/welcome.do
>> 2. PlaceAction forwards to list.do
>> 3. In ListAction, I want to retrieve the URL the user entered
>> "/appname/welcome.do".
>> The problem: when I run getRequestURI in the ListAction, all I get is >> "/appname/list.do". I guess this is a sort of natural thing for it to
>> do, but how do I get the original URI? (/appname/welcome.do)
>> Any help appreciated!
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